Thursday 17 September 2015

Weight loss: Intermittent Fasting Diet

Intermittent Fasting Diet

There is a new trend in the diet these days, do not eat. Yes, "fasting" has become a popular trend.
And fasting is certainly not a new concept (people do it for religious reasons for hundreds of years), "intermittent fasting" as a method of weight loss seems to be a new trend. But is it safe? And does it really work?

While there are different levels of intermittent fasting diet, two of the hottest are fast on Diet and 8-hour potrawy.Szybka diet, sometimes referred to 5: 2 diet encourages people to eat normally five days a week, and finish calorie intake down to 500 to 600 calories in total for two consecutive days did not. When it comes to weight loss, participants can expect to shed about 1:59 pounds a week, says Dr. Mosley on his side internetowej.8-hour diet, on the other hand, the limited time window for the intake of calories to eight hours a day, what to do body burn fat and calories more efektywnie.Diet is also possible to reduce the amount of cancer-causing cell damage caused by the typical American diet, the page says.
Both diets claim that in addition to helping participants lose weight, they will also help regulate blood sugar levels, can prevent diabetes, slows the aging process and prevent or minimize the risk of heart disease. Until now, these claims were only supported by a small human studies or studies on animals. Our experts also noted that there is not much research to support intermittent fasting diet as effective, long-term weight loss plans.
Although this does not necessarily mean that they are meritless, assuming that you are healthy and realistic weight loss goals, some experts sugerujÄ... Pozytywnym aspect of these weight loss plans is that they deny people to get in touch with the level of hunger, says JJ Virgin, nutrition and fitness expert, author of The Virgin of the Sejm. "Usually we eat because we are tired, hungry or bored. Ask yourself why you eat again," Virgin says.
Knowing the difference between when you think you're hungry and when you're really hungry, he was one of the biggest takeaway for John M. Berardi, MD, Director of the Science Officer of Precision Nutrition, the author experiments with intermittent fasting (based on his own experiments with different plans dashed box fasting six months).
"Post Trial is a great way to practice managing hunger," says Dr. Berardi. "This is an essential skill for anyone who wants to get in shape and stay healthy and fit." Although Dr. Berardi started at a healthy weight, lost 20 pounds in six months and reduce the body fat from 10 percent to four percent while maintaining most of his muscle mass, he says.
But is it dangerous?
While people should always consult your physician before beginning any weight loss plan, there are some people who should avoid this type of intermittent fasting diet. People with insulin resistance, diabetes, pregnant women and people with low blood sugar should not try these plans, as they can be dangerous to their health.
Virgin says this diet can also be problematic for women who are in chronic stress and adrenal glands have problems. "You'll be stressing your body more, after intermittent fasting plan, which can lead to fertility problems and possibly insomnia," Virgin says. The study involved the same low-calorie diet on chronic psychological stress and the production of cortisol, which has been shown to interfere with the loss wagi.Dolna line? If, after this diet stresses you or interferes with sleep, it can also hinder weight loss.
Intermittent fasting can be problematic for people with issues bingeing, or people who may have difficulty controlling how much you eat on non-fasting days. Do not let five of those days [or eight hours] free-for-alls, says Virgin. Both diets encourage eating healthy, nutritious foods as often as possible in the time, you're not fasting.
Are you fasting and exercise play nice?
As long as you have adequate hydration, Dr. Kurian said light or moderate exercise on days of lower calories is generally safe, assuming you feel up to it. But if you do not have the energy to exercise (or light-headedness or dizziness), it may be best to save your strength for the day higher calorific value. Plus, because exercise causes the body to burn glycogen stores by her, it's important that you are able to refuel a balanced meal or snack (including proteins, carbohydrates and fat), optimally within 30 minutes working out.
If you already follow the regular routine of exercise, it may be best to save the most intense workouts on days when you are not fasting. After all, the goal should be to make the most of training sessions and it is more likely when you are actually driven by the quality of calories, Virgin says.
Is it worth a try?
As far as the results go, regular fasting is not objectively better for fat loss, Dr. Berardi says. While he says that his intermittent fasting diet experiments quite well, the approach Intermittent Fasting (larger meals less often) did not achieve better fat loss than diet more conventional approach may have.
Intermittent fasting can work, but it is not for everyone, nor does it need to be, Dr. Berardi says. "Finally, intermittent fasting diet is only one way, among them many effective for improving the health, performance and body composition."

by Adam Gro

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